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5 Reasons every entrepreneur needs Instagram

Instagram is one of the big three when it comes to social media. Along with Facebook and Twitter, Instagram is one of the best places an entrepreneur can promote themselves and business online. The social media platform focuses on capturing a customer’s eye via images, videos, and well-crafted stories that go along with products.

Instagram has become a major player for online businesses with many brands reaching customers and selling their products directly through images, links, and adverts on the platform. If you haven’t begun using Instagram to market your brand yet, then what are you waiting for?

  1. Large audience

Instagram grows ever year as it gives smartphone users the chance to immediately post and view images. In January 2013, there were 90 million Instagram users. Just four years later, the social media platform had 800 million people using it. According to one study, 500 million people use the Instagram Stories feature each day.

  1. Stories appeal to customers

On the subject of Instagram Stories, the feature gives you the chance to connect with an audience multiple times a day. It allows customers to connect to your brand as you showoff what is occurring on a daily basis. Stories are used to show what is happening at a specific time during a certain day and only last for 24 hours. This connection that can be made through stories showing the brand is not faceless.

  1. Influencers

Influencers are quite controversial as anyone can technically be an influencer as long as they have a number of followers. What is for sure about influencers is they reach a large number of people on Instagram. Studies show that influencers are a great way to reach customers as many people are more likely to view a person’s Instagram feed than watch TV or listen to the radio. People will purchase items simply based on an influencer’s say so. One thing to note is top-quality influencers can be expensive. In addition, do your homework and make sure the influencer and their followers are right for your products.

  1. Importance of being an app

Instagram was built as an app for smartphones. Since it debuted, it has always been used to be mobile allowing users to snap pictures and post them. Due to the mobility of Instagram, you can use it anytime and anywhere to snap images and promote your brand. Users have begun seeking out Instagram rather than Facebook and Twitter in recent years due to its clean, simplistic design. It is simple to use and there isn’t the clutter of posts to scroll through like on other social media platforms.

  1. Get feedback

The Stories feature allows users to engage with your content and brand. Simply start a poll or ask a question to users and you can get immediate feedback that is invaluable. This feedback can be used to improve your brand, Instagram page, and products. You can also receive analytics on your posts and the engagements you receive. Engagements can tell you just how many people are looking at your images and clicking on the links to your products.

Amiably Sheen
Amiably Sheen
Amiably Sheen is the Chief Executive Officer of TWV Media. Prior to joining he had used TWV Media as his main digital media agency in his previous roles as Marketing Director and CMO. He is also working on having the team be brave enough to post this content under their own name! :)

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