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Why businesses should employ a video marketing strategy

We live in an age in which the world moves incredibly fast. Due to the pace of life, customers have less time and interest in reading adverts and text. Marketers have found that video is one of the best ways to attract the eyes of customers.

The Internet continues to evolve and video marketing is more important than ever. Companies have the potential to grab the attention of customers with videos and build a base of clients who come back continuously. Still need some convincing that your business should employ a video marketing strategy? Read on to find out more reasons to add videos.

  1. Videos are the new website

Two decades ago, every business was told to get a website. Ten years later, businesses were focused on growing a social media following. Now, videos are the most important way to reach customers. In 2020, videos are what websites were in 2000. People no longer surf websites and scroll through static images. Individuals seek videos and graphics that catch their attention. Videos make your brand stand out against the ocean of other companies online.

  1. Get to know your business

Videos not only show off your products and services, but they introduce your company to customers. A video can give viewers a tour of your offices, factories, or headquarters. It gives them a look into the everyday happenings at your business. You can also introduce employees and other exciting aspects of your company.

  1. Tutorials

Videos not only introduce your company to customers but they can also demonstrate just how the product works. If the items your company produces are complex, then a tutorial can give customers the chance to learn more about them. You don’t want to have unhappy customers take to social media to complain about your products and services. A tutorial video can stop any negative reactions on social media. You can also direct people to your tutorial videos when they need help and information.

  1. Testimonials connect with future customers

Individuals can be influenced to buy products and services from your company due to past customers. Customer testimonial videos are one of the best ways to connect with future clients. It gives individuals interested in the products and services you offer to hear from people just like them. Customer testimonial videos could be the difference between people buying and not buying your products and services.

  1. Rank high in searches

One of the reasons marketers have turned to video content in recent years is they rank high on search engine results pages. Videos improve a person’s dwell time when they visit your website. What is dwell time? It is the time in which an individual stays on your website. The longer a person stays on your website, the higher your website will rank on Google. Mist Media claim that website visitors spend 88% more time on a web page when there is video content. Visitors stay on a website with videos for two minutes longer than on pages without videos.

Amiably Sheen
Amiably Sheen
Amiably Sheen is the Chief Executive Officer of TWV Media. Prior to joining he had used TWV Media as his main digital media agency in his previous roles as Marketing Director and CMO. He is also working on having the team be brave enough to post this content under their own name! :)

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